"This is my grandfather on my dad's side...."
Ch. Wagsmore's In the Limelight ("Kobe")
"Here's my family tree.  In the fancy, we call it a 'pedigree'".
"This is my Daddy, 'Face'....."
BISS Am. Can. Ch Stonerivers Touch of Wagsmore
"This is my grandfather on my mom's side......"
Ch. Glenavan Acclaim
"My great-grandfather on my mom's side...."
Ch. Glenavan Anticipation, ROMX
"My great-grandmother on my mom's side......"
Ch. Glenavan Sophistication
"This is my great-grandfather on my dad's side...."
Ch. Wagsmore's Captivating, ROMX
"My great-grandma on my dad's side....."
Ch. Packers Cookies and Cream
"My mom, Phoebe......"
Ch. Wagsmore's Reminiscent